Bavarian Father’s Day Specials in Washington County MD 2024
Date : June 15, 2024
Times : 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm
HSID: whmdso24a0022
Schmankerl Stube
58 South Potomac Street, Hagerstown, MD, 21740, WHMD
The Schmankerl Stube Bavarian Restaurant, in the Hagerstown Arts & Entertainment District, is offering the following for Father’s Day in Washington County MD.
Crab Dip: Lump Crab Dip with Shrimp. $20
Geschmorte Lammkeule: Braised Lamb Shank with Rosemary infused Demi Glace, served with whipped Potatoes, apple flavored red cabbage and Brussel sprouts. $45
Bailey’s Cake: Layered Chocolate Cake with Bailey’s Irish Cream, with Hazelnut and Almonds. $12
Reservations are strongly recommended. 301-797-3354
Other menu items may include: Knusperige Schweinshaxe, Lumberjack Filet, Herzhafter Sauerbraten, Münchener Sahnegeschnetzeltes,Filet mit Rotwein Schalotten, and more.
Be sure to explore the Hagerstown Art and Entertainment District.