Grillspiess Bavarian Special at the Schmankerl Stube
Schmankerl Stube 58 South Potomac Street, Hagerstown, MD, 21740, WHMDWHEN:
Date : February 2, 2025
Times : 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
HSID: whmdfs25a051
Schmankerl Stube
58 South Potomac Street, Hagerstown, MD, 21740, WHMD
The Schmankerl Stube Bavarian Restaurant located in the Hagerstown Art & Entertainment District is offering the following dinner special after 5pm.
Grillspiess: Grilled Beef and Pork Kebab, served with a Tomato based Demi Glace with Bell Peppers and Onions, Mashed Potatoes and Vegetable of the Day. $29
Other menu items may include: Knusperige Schweinshaxe, Lumberjack Filet, Herzhafter Sauerbraten, Münchener Sahnegeschnetzeltes,Filet mit Rotwein Schalotten, and more.
Be sure to explore the Hagerstown Art and Entertainment District.